Thursday, August 02, 2007

Home again

As many of you know by now and some not, Janina and I have decided to stay in the states for a couple of years. So if anyone comes to Pittsburgh please let me know.

While we are home, I plan on getting involved in politics as much as possible. I have been reading the news, following the campaigns. I really feel that Barack Obama is the right person to run this country. He plays politics but doesn't seem afraid to take his own direction on issues. Barack seems like the kind of candidate that can maybe silence the partisanship that plagues our country. We need someone to silence the Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, DailyKos, Air America rhetoric. I would encourage anyone that still reads this blog to pay attention to this election cycle.

Travel plans are minimal right now. I plan on going to a lot of concerts in Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas. janina and I are going to see TV on the Radio August 3rd. We will start taking some roadtrips once I get my license back after my 30 day suspension. She gets tired and cant handle driving long distance both ways plus doing some kind of activity. I cant wait for January when my baby arrives. We find out on August 6th whether it is a boy or girl. I dont care what it is but I know that I will be so protective if its a girl. For more pics of my travels and upcoming pics of the baby, go to my facebook page.

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